The Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Orlando is a non-profit organization founded in 1990, dedicated to sharing genealogical information, techniques and research tools with anyone interested in Jewish genealogy. Anyone may join the JGSGO. Annual dues are $35 for an individual and $40 for a family. JGSGO’s monthly meetings are free to members.
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Originally published in the Heritage.
- The joys and sorrows of genealogy searches – what happened to From?
- Where’s Froim? The sad story of a mystery solved
- A special branch: The tale of a cherry leaf
- Wrestling one’s way out of the Holocaust
- A sister discovered for my cousin Jessica
- The mystery of my great-aunt Helen
- DNA finds a surprise family member
- Family search in the former Bessarabia
- Family memory lost in Sudetenland
- Connect, Collect, Collaborate and Communicate
- Lobby moments’ in the search for my ancestors
- Finding Uncle Leo
- Finding family through DNA
- Having that ‘aha’ moment in genealogy research
- First genealogy workshop attendees build family trees
- Jacob Levine’s mystery-research breakthrough
- Five cousins found in three months of research
- JGSGO Launches My Jewish Roots
Annual Membership
$40 for a family.
JGSGO’s monthly meetings
are free to members